the one

For me,blog is a place where I can spend quality time to know more about myself.How?simple.Only while writing I can understand what i am, as this makes me think in different,incoherent,lateral,inconcurrent as many ways as I can,which I seldom do.This space is more about expressing myself.

December 26, 2009

an idoit's voice

I can't believe this. For many it is like living their dream. But was it roughly the same for me? If I ask myself I donno. Crossed 2 oceans and and traveled some thing like 8721 miles or 14035 KM to do what. chal teek he yaar. chod e sab baat.
Other day I watched this movie called 3 idiots. Are they really idiots. I do not think so. They were idiots only for their college in charge Mr. Viru Sahasrabuddhi...what kind of a name on earth is this. This guy has got a hair style of Einstein and thinks he is a newton. Anyway movie was all about gyan and things like do just what you want to is all about excellence and not running behind success so on n so forth. It is like it is easier said than done. Lets think about our own India. With the kind of education system we have, with the kind of complex(mindset) society we have and family system we have, is it really possible. Com'n now do not say everybody blames the system, i am just one of them. Of course we blame the system. I did not make the system. In the first place for anybody to do what they really want to do, one got to know what they can do. No, do not say that it is being very dumb.

Even you know that it is not easy. If people in the west have been doing what they wanted to do(most of them as we think)...they took time to arrive at what they arrived at..we will reach there one fine day...we have so many other things to iron out first...with so less resource available at our expense, i believe have been being reasonalbly well.What if we have so many engineers and doctors. Others do not have so many of them and trust me it is their loss. Otherwise they have no reason to allow so many of us into their countries and serve their people. They are short of them. They let their kids chose what they wanted to be. Now they see the result. Agreed things would be lot better if we can do what we really want to do. Even in my case I believe what I am doing...I do not like But that may not solve all the problem. It all takes time. Just few decades ago, we did not have even these engineers or doctors on our land. But look at us now. Entire world is envious about us and what we are. Of course we still wear that tag, developing country.
Of course we are...1.2 is not going to be easy...agreed we are but we are not out. We are still in the crease and this is a long innings. No buddy this is not some emotional drama...I was just trying to understand my dear friend here. He got a point, i thought. So just putting his mind here.


Blogger Viplav said...

say my Hi to your dear friend ;)
hes got a point...

2:25 PM  

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