the one

For me,blog is a place where I can spend quality time to know more about myself.How?simple.Only while writing I can understand what i am, as this makes me think in different,incoherent,lateral,inconcurrent as many ways as I can,which I seldom do.This space is more about expressing myself.

December 27, 2009

my resolutions for 2010

One survey says 92% of the resolutions are not kept. That's very impresive. We can do even more better..something like 98 99 would be a better number. Come on who on earth can really keep their resolutions. I thought let me google and see top ten new year's resolutions. some of them goes like.. working on body fitness, helping others, spend more time with family and friends, enjoy life more,...and many were on these lines. Surprisingly thing here is, these are the most simplest things one can imagine to really follow. But in real world as we see,quite a big deal. Did I ever took a new year resolution before...let me think ...hmm..notihng as I recollect. Who cares ;-) I do not care.

But just for a change i came up with my set of resolutions for the coming year 2010. And it is going to be quite big. 10 for 2010. They are like..

1) stop reading NEWS - (,,,
2) stop chatting (including orkutting,facebooking,twiterring..)
3) stop eating junk(including indian junk..)
4) No movies(not even free downloading..)
5) running in the morning( if possible in the evening too..)
6) no unnecessary shopping( not even window shopping)
7) walk more,no car(want to earn some carbon points..)
8) pray to god(and some religious stuff my parents always wanted..)
9) date a american girl( am a indian)
and finally
10) work from 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM(follow american labour laws..)

Now do not picture my face and start laughing at me like never before. Everybody has resolutions, what's wrong if i have some. okay you are right..i was just trying to be little serious and more funny. chill guys...resolutions ko maro goli and just take the things as they come. Now, my real resolution - never take resolutions again!!



Anonymous SV said...

Good bye to 19th century!

12:11 PM  

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