the one

For me,blog is a place where I can spend quality time to know more about myself.How?simple.Only while writing I can understand what i am, as this makes me think in different,incoherent,lateral,inconcurrent as many ways as I can,which I seldom do.This space is more about expressing myself.

November 05, 2005

"five point someone" by Chetan Bhagat.

This is my first fiction-book( i am not sure if all the books i read till now are fiction).I guess for a person like me who is reading fiction for the first time a book like this is a good start to make.Nobody would think that this book is a fiction.Atleast i never thought so.I mean, the way the story can only think that it is an autobiogrphy kinda stuff(of Mr chetan bhagat himself).
As the quotation of the book is a book abt what not to do at IIT. This particular book would remind anybody of there wonderful days in college. It could be an elite inst. like IIT or any phaltoo insti. but college life is the same..we enjoy every bit of it in every possible way.

Best thing abt the college life is we get to know all kind of people.It is in the sense of everything ...attitude,financial,character,etc ..i mean all kinda.We share our problems, happines and all kind of emotions with our friends, some of whom eventually may become best of friends( As was narrated in the book).One can know some good foul langauge from this book.The author always tried to explore the otherwise unknown psychology of girls.Ofcourse it is controversial at times(that is left to the readers ofcourse).

I could not stop reading it..i mean anybody on earth would like to finish this particular book in one sitting. i bet on that.One thing i strongly felt abt this book is that this story suits very well for a typical bollywood masala movie.Then I think screen play would become the blood of the story.I am eagerly waiting for his next book "one night @ the call center".

Thank you