the one

For me,blog is a place where I can spend quality time to know more about myself.How?simple.Only while writing I can understand what i am, as this makes me think in different,incoherent,lateral,inconcurrent as many ways as I can,which I seldom do.This space is more about expressing myself.

May 24, 2008

What would anybody do on a lazy Friday evening?Oh! are Fridays really lazy!!I am not sure. Let us presume they are lazy. Have least idea How break there monotony, but we bunch of eight people( We were eight back in December 2007 if I remember the correct date). Now we are down to 4 people. This is no classified information and definetly not really going to hurt anybody if I take their names...right?No left and then right turn to go to hell...forget about it and back to present. We are ..hmmm..with whom should I start with..okay lemme start with the first guy who took temporary halt from the rendezvous..he's gone on site to Sweden. That's Prashant and then followed by another guy Raman. Coincidently this guy too went to the same place albeit on a different assignment. Then comes regularly irregular guy Vishal, seems he is doing all the work on earth. It is vayu's turn then. Not a frequent visitor but still sometimes tries his best to come, funniest part of this is, he comes at the end..just to share the cheque (His share supposedly is less but as per "rule", he pays full). The next guy is the lover boy, kalyan - the odd man out(only guy in the pirate gang who broke the pirate law by being in a love relationship - may the pirate god bless him). Panchvi pass Hemant is the guy who comes next. He is branded comedian who feels he is basically a villain in reality he is the primary entertainer in the "Pirates of Hyderabad". And now here comes the captain of the ship, who imagines himself in the shoes of the great captain Jack Sparrow of "the real screen pirates". Enough of introduction about him. He is none other than Viploo the Viplov. And of course, the last and definetly...definetly not the least, it is me. could of summarized entire movie cast in less words than what i did.Never mind if somebody minds.We are no lesser than anybody.Who else can waste so much time and money. Yes you read it right. It is money too. Even if nobody else is coming to that joint, still that kofe shop owner can pay to the boys over there and run his business. Hum he na!!Oh did not tell where we are spending our Fridays!! It is the barista - Lavazza, Jubilee hills. We spend on an average of 1000 bucks. Yes it may not be a big number. But imagine software engineers whose salaries are good on papers and not so good on hands, spending around 150 bucks to 200 bucks on a Friday coffee. Outrageous,isn't??I think so. Alright few of the fellow pirates, feels and thinks Otherwise, Not that we really care what they think.
What do we do and talk there.Of course we drink coffee in kofe( Now stop correcting me for coffe spelling) shop. And what do we talk...that's crap.Most of the times.But there are days when have fulltoo entertainement.We laugh until we roll on the ground and all our small intestinal veins come out. There are days when not even a single guy really talks much,then we retire early. We tried going to other "beautiful places". Never thought any other place matched this one. It all started early in our careers in TCS. Hemant is the only guy who smokes, so on a good rainy evening used to sit at a peaceful place and chat after a day's hardword. so as days passed and when we thought,see just is never true, that we are earning good, we moved to this barista. As I said earlier, it is not all crap. Was trying to bit, you know, comments. We talk about our appraisals, our work, on sites, sometimes even more about girl friends...because none of us have one and that is one topic which can make any of us burst into laugh.
So the journey in the sea still going strong in the direction of the wind and in the direction of the tide at times. when, why and where it is going to halt. Time should decide. kabhi alvida naa kehna..