the one
For me,blog is a place where I can spend quality time to know more about myself.How?simple.Only while writing I can understand what i am, as this makes me think in different,incoherent,lateral,inconcurrent as many ways as I can,which I seldom do.This space is more about expressing myself.
something something
I stared. So what's the big deal? Can I dare to disturb the business of my eyes? No. That is the BIG deal. I longed to gaze from close to relish the ingenuousness. Will I commove the serenity if I stare from close? I think so. I moved away and away, the aura only magnified and pulled me closer. I resisted my senses (to ignore). The voidness continued for days. Every moment was as fresh as the morning dew that rests on the "Shosenkyo" leaf during the autumn leaf season. It lingered through my thought through out the day. It was like the apogee of all forces on earth that quarreled with themselves and each other to create something like this. Am I the chosen one? What should I do to be the chosen one? My movements and moments were dancing with all the beautiful thoughts I had ever imagined to happen in my life. I wanted to capture every moment without loosing even a millionth of a second.
Oh I missed again. I cursed the forces for giving me eye lids. How on earth could I miss any moment which is as precious as the one I am talking about? Am I thirsty, Am I hungry. No I do not know. My conscience proposes not to miss this moment that seldom comes ones way. Why did this not happen to me before? Will I experience this state of rejuvenation forever and ever? I am fighting a bitter battle. It is not just the game of hide and seeks. It is not a simple and tender game played by innocent children. It is something more than that. It was on and on…. I prodded my brain every eleventh second. It was not so sure of any plausible idea. I did not relent. Heard that beauty can lie in the eyes of the beholder. Can the sense and essence of this very statement go beyond that? What about the feeling one felts when they sees something stunning and spell bounding which cannot even in most pessimistic calculation be described as anything but aesthetic. Come on! Somebody for devils sake, help me. Anybody there? Help never came. Did I miss " " forever??!!
Bingo! I concluded what one calls this.Day Dreaming!