the one

For me,blog is a place where I can spend quality time to know more about myself.How?simple.Only while writing I can understand what i am, as this makes me think in different,incoherent,lateral,inconcurrent as many ways as I can,which I seldom do.This space is more about expressing myself.

February 03, 2006

i should have written about my TCS "break" long back.Ofcourse it is a long struggle.It look a little long time than i expected.anyway better late than never.finally i came very close to my "twist of life"-me joining in Tata consultancy limited.ofcourse initially i have to spend 32 guerlling days at trivindrum,TCS global traning center.They call it ILP in short.Well i am not mentally geared up for the BIG day of my life.I spent my last 8 - 9 months as a slaggard.It is time to brush the rust out of my mind and body.I am in a very confused state of mind i can say.

i mean i donno what really i am gonna do there.How on earth am i gonna fair in this complex world of javas,.net.s,SAPs,ERPs etc kinda stuff. hope my boat does not sink ubruptly.I hope i can do with little hangovers in the middle but never know where we gonna move in this deadly sea called LIFE.

New place,New environment, New people,New laws..........all completely different with which i have to live, whether i like it or not.Right from the word go, we have to prove ourself in every possible way.After all life is never gonna be so hard i guess. I hope i get to see oasis in a desert called Software Engineer job.what on earth does exactly that mean.I shall know when i step into the ocean.There is a saying in telugu - we would know the depth of sea only when we actually land in i am hopefull..........

I will b back with more after i finish my ILP.If possible i will join in the middl of my ILP.

tata for now.