the one

For me,blog is a place where I can spend quality time to know more about myself.How?simple.Only while writing I can understand what i am, as this makes me think in different,incoherent,lateral,inconcurrent as many ways as I can,which I seldom do.This space is more about expressing myself.

November 25, 2007

second innings

see the climate has already changed...or is it it has not changed. I Started writing and then .."close" , clicked. Oh i am not sticking to my senses. my brain does not work in tandem with my it a strange thing that happens only to me. No i guess. it is only human, i found.shut shut shut....cut all this what do i write....hmmm..nothing is coming to mind...see i am a standing example how a man and his mind can become rusty, if not put into proper use on a veritable basis. This world is such a big place and so much always happens around us, still i could not find anything to write.disgrace..disgrace..i am not eligible to do blogging....haah!! no no..that is not correct....having said all this, i am not such a bad blogger. I got some good feedback for my first few blogs. As i said earlier, when many people started reading my blog,which i thought is purely personal( you are write, i should not have told anybody!!), i stopped writing. But i was not correct to some extent...what am i writing's all that the thing that is gushing into your mind right now....but i thought if i start with something, i will atleast get into the groove. i think this no nonsense helped(me) a bit to get into mood of blogging again. when i started my second innings, i desired to blog something, atleast once in 2days..aha..did not happen..i have to blame myself for that...did less important things than this...vidya always used to tell me..prioritize your stuff..which i never did...oh oh....aaj kuch zyada hi bol diya he maine...bad hindi right!! no points for noticing..tata

you're welcome!!

this blog i think i am writing after a really long long time...may be after a year or happened that in did not know what to write..i ran out of both topics to write on and such a short time!!..ya i myself wonder about that...i actually wanted to do bloggin purely for a sort of relaxation and as some work out for my grey cells.wanted to put into words what ever i think and sometimes thought blog would be the best place...then one fine hr..few of my friend's, some how have come to know about it...and i did not like it...i wanted to share this only with selected few...but every thing went awry and all of a sudden i stopped blogging.

i used to feel good when i never felt good when stopped bloging..been thinking about starting it i am finally here..hopefully this will move on without too many straight away wanna post this!!...welcome back to Mr. ding... happy bloging..