the one

For me,blog is a place where I can spend quality time to know more about myself.How?simple.Only while writing I can understand what i am, as this makes me think in different,incoherent,lateral,inconcurrent as many ways as I can,which I seldom do.This space is more about expressing myself.

January 19, 2010

Life isn't fair

Life isn't fair. Oh really...let me think. Ya I know life isn't fair. The other day, our practice head - NA(industry vertical) was here at my work place on one of his regular business visits. My Project Manager wanted him to talk to the team(I always thought that this guy is not really interested, it's just that our PM pushes him). It was a regular pep talk, he was like guys things are not going to work if we continue to do the things the way we have been doing. What happened is that we went to this guy with lot of complains and excuse for the low quality and delay of the project. That guy was like...I cannot do anything guys,you just got to take control of the situation, I cannot help you isn't fair. Period. Then I was like...oh come on gimme a not give me the same gyan...tell me something that I do not know.

Anyway the point I am trying to make here is, life isn't fair only to few. Trust me, why is life so fair to prince Williams. What did he do to be so rich and famous. No I am not talking about some hard working guy becoming rich. He earned it. But tell me about guys who are dumb asses of this world, but still get to enjoy all the good things in life. What I am saying is life is not a fair dealer in the first place. Life is not fair to only unlucky guys. Some people call luck as right things falling at the right moment with some right decision made. But tell me how is this possible if life isn't fair. That's wrong then. Life is fair to people who are lucky. But life can indeed be made fair. I mean it would still not be..but how to make it feel fair is...just get used to it. We stand no chance. Their no choice! Now stop making assumptions that this guy is such a loser. I know I am not.
